Upgrade Your Digital Persona with Somnia’s Enhanced Avatar Creator

Suit up Somniacs! Somnia is ready to roll out an upgraded version of our avatar creator, now designed to fully equip your digital persona for the virtual society.
Our Betanet minting process had a limited Avatar Creator, so there were only a few customization options available at that early stage. There were only a few outfits, and only male body types were available for minting, but now we are ready to unveil the next generation of our Avatar Creator.
What’s New in the Avatar Creator?
If you participated in our Betanet and already have a Somnia avatar, now you can make it to Metaverse ready, simply go to your profile and then click your existing avatars. From there, you’ll be able to choose between female or male body types and recreate your avatar with more customization options. You can also mint a new avatar if you want a fresh start or if you’re joining us for the first time. There will be plenty of customization options available including the ability to change your male avatar to female! You’ll have access to creators from different providers like Ready Player Me and MSquared, giving you a ton of new options for customization.
Once you click update or mint a new avatar in Somnia’s Metaverse Browser, your avatar will be metaverse-ready, meaning that it will be compatible with our upcoming events and experiences.
You can get your avatar ready for the metaverse by going to https://betanet.somnia.network/avatar.